White flowering bougainvillea of the 'Jamaica White' variety are by no means bland or boring, but a brilliant addition to colorful potted plant collections,  to which they add calm and elegance.

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check The pictures / photos of the plants offered here for purchase represent an exemplary part of the species and genre-related item description, it is explicitly not the plant for sale. For plants, you can calculate the pot content in liters as weight in kilograms. The gross amount displayed can vary due to different sales tax (VAT) regulations depending on the delivery country.


White bougainvillea, with its color described as "bland", are less popular than red and orange varieties. But wrongly so: in colorful potted gardens, white bougainvilleas like the 'Jamaica White' variety provide a sense of calm and separate overly colorful flowers from one another. If you place a red and an orange bougainvillea next to each other, for example, they will compete or even clash with each other. With a white bougainvillea in between as a mediator, each of the three comes into its own. Not to mention the trend of a white garden design that impresses with its elegance and clarity. With a white bougainvillea on the terrace, add a gem to the white garden guests, bringing an international and exotic flair to your garden. White-flowering bougainvilleas are robust, vigorous and strong-growing and can tolerate a slightly larger planter every year or two.

punkt_gruen.gif Quality: decent perennial bloomers, vigorous climbers or pruned as shrubs/standards

punkt_gruen.gif Use: from May outside on balcony & terrace; all year round in heated winter gardens

Product Details

Data sheet

South Amercia
Flowering period
Constantly blooming
Color of flowers
Full sun
winter temperature
15 (+/- 5) °C
Minimum temperature
0 °C
Hardiness Zones
4 - 5 m